Friday, October 29, 2010

Balance Foods are Elegant for Fitness

Those individuals desire to have the Fitness then they should adopt the healthy Foods or diets habits. With the Foods or diets experts, people should consult about the healthy Diets or Foods. To get proper Fitness, people should consume balance foods or diets in their food dieting habits.

In balance dietary, all kinds of foods come in food dieting habits like all kinds of vegetables, grains such as wheat, rice, barley, maize, etc,  pulses, fruits, meats, eggs & many more. With the protein rich foods or diets, people should also have the fitness exercises because while taking protein rich diets with exercises, the people get huge health benefits.

It has been seen that some of individuals become lean but some appear fat, the major reason behind it, consumption of different kinds of food habits. Those individuals who adopt the less oil contained foods as well as avoid the junk foods, their body weight become in average status.

But those people who adopt consuming too much oily foods & mostly prefer to consume junk foods then they get more over weight. Often the Fitness experts suggest the individuals who prefer to get Fitness, they start adopting active life style by including exercises, consuming less oil contained foods & avoiding consuming too much junk foods.

Thursday, October 28, 2010

How Alkaline Food is Important for Human Body?

There are two things comes in the category of alkaline food, the one is alkaline food and other is alkaline acid. These both things are important for human body because the alkaline food is important for improving the PH level of the body which gives energy to the body for doing work and the alkaline acid is important for reducing the PH of the body because when the body have enormous amount of calories or PH of body got increased very high so, this alkaline acid reduces the PH level.

The alkaline diet is used for maintaining the PH level of the body and also for knowing about the fitness of the body because some time you can see that the person who is healthy but he can not do their work properly because he is healthy but the PH level of the body is not enough for him.

Similarly the person who is not healthy but he is fit so he is doing their work properly that means the PH level of their body is enough and he can do their work comfortably. The alkaline diet maintains the PH level and makes you fit for being fit and healthy. 

How to Reduce Fat? Treatment for Reducing Fat

Fat is the big problem in the world and most of the people experiencing this problem. People take many pills of weight lose but they don’t get desired result. There are many other ways of reducing fat or over weight like exercise, controlled diet, avoid calorie etc. these things help some time but these are not perfect solution for reducing fat but some time it works. The main things which helps in the reduction of fat that are given below –

1.    Detoxification – Metabolism are helps in the proper circulation of blood but the toxins which are present in the air are appose the proper circulation of blood and due to it speed of blood circulation reduces and the result body becomes lazy. The process of reduction of toxin is known as detoxification and it helps in reduction of fat.

2.    Balanced Thyroid Hormones – Thyroid Hormones are produced by thyroid gland which helps to balancing the blood circulation because if the production of thyroid Harmon’s reduces so it becomes hypothyroidism and due to fat increases but if you want to reduce fat so you have to balance the production of thyroid Harmon’s and it is possible by taking pills or by taking prescription from doctor.  

Tuesday, October 26, 2010

Difference between Health & Fitness

Health and fitness both are common terms which we use most of the time. However, both may have few differences.

Fitness – It is the measurement of power, flexibility, endurance and strength. How much a person can work is defined by their fitness level. Fitness needs daily exercise, practice and capacity of working for more time.

Health – Health means that how much you are healthy and remote from diseases. If you are not having any problem and diseases then you are having good health. It does not mean that you are fit enough but you are healthy.

Health & Fitness
Health needs fitness but fitness and health both are different at some extent. A healthy person might not be fit and also a fit person might not be healthy. If you are fit and you are having diseases then you are not healthy. You are only fit. If you are healthy and you are not having much capacity of working then you are not fit.

Health needs fitness and fitness needs health. Every person must do exercise to get fit and healthy always. For being healthy and fit, there might be difference in foods. Fitness and health gives good life so be fit and healthy always.

Monday, October 25, 2010

Alkaline Diet to Control PH Level in Body

Alkaline diet should be given to people according to their PH level. PH level can be tested with the help of PH strip with your saliva and urine. After having PH test reports, you should move to conclusion that whether you need higher alkaline foods or lower alkaline foods.

Lower Acid Forming Foods are:-
1.    Yoghurt
2.    Pineapple
3.    Honey
4.    Fist

Higher Acid Forming Foods are:–
1.    Soybeans
2.    Ice creams
3.    Cheese
4.    Antibiotics

Lower Alkaline Foods are:-
1.    Olive oil
2.    Wild rice
3.    Banana
4.    Blueberry

Higher Alkaline Foods are:-
1.    Table salt
2.    Watermelon
3.    Onion
4.    Sweet potato
5.    Yam

According to your PH level, doctor will consult you for good alkaline foods. Alkaline foods are best for leveling your PH level for being healthy always. Low PH level can leads to headache and other panic problems. Extreme changes also can be dangerous for our life. Higher PH is also bad for us.

PH should be in balance which is only come when you test your PH by yourself or by physician. You must move for getting check up of your PH level for being healthy. With the help of proper alkaline diet, a person can control PH level in body.

Wednesday, October 20, 2010

Five Reasons to Gain Unexpected Weight

There are several general reasons of getting unexpected weight.

1. Laziness – If you are lazy and you don’t want to work in your working time. When you always try to get laziness then your body elements becomes very lazy and the fat starts collecting on upper layer of your skin. When your elements do not get energy then they start collecting here and there in your body, sometime it causes of bad problems.

2. Job Status – If you are full time mom or you are doing in house jobs for long time. You get ample of free time in office without moving your body. Your job status always responsible for gaining weight, because a person invests mostly time in their work.

3. Long Time Sleep – If you sleep for long time then you start getting fat. In the sleeping mode, your body gets free time and your elements also start sleeping. If your elements do not get power and energy then they become neutral for the time being and they do not use fat energy and when fat energy do not come for use then it starts getting collection and it resultant much weight gain.

4. Oily Foods – Oily foods have much fat and it increases fat.

5. Genetic Effect – If your ancestors were fatty and your mom & dad is quite fatty then fat naturally comes in your body.

Tuesday, October 19, 2010

Fitness and Food - foods role in fitness

Top 10 foods for getting fitness

  1. Salads – Take salads everyday with your food. Use tomato, beetroot, carrot, cabbage, cucumber, lettuce, capsicum and others too. Raw fresh foods help you get a good fitness.
  1. Chocolate Milk – Take Chocolate milk because it works for refueling energy in your body. It gives you fit body.
  1. Water – Take more than eight glass water in everyday to be fit and fine always.
  1. Curds – It is very good source of protein, vitamins and calcium having only 56 calories.
  1. Grapes – Use 100 grams grapes. 100 grams grape has only 70 calories. It keeps you fit.
  1. Oranges – Use oranges because it is having 48 calories only. It gives you fit body.
  1. Carrot – It helps to reduce weight. Take fresh raw carrot anytime in a day.
  1. High Fiber Cereals – Use fiber cereals like chapattis, dhokla, cob, upmas and etc to be fit.
  1. Sprouted Pulses – Use Sprouted pulses because it is the good source of vitamins. 50 gram pulse provides 140 calories.
  1. Air Popped Popcorn – Use air popped popcorn which is without oil, salt and butter.
These are the top 10 foods which will keep you fit always. Try it daily and you will see that you are reducing your weight and getting fit body.